Tips on Bathing your Baby
Unless your doctor says differently sponge bathing your baby in the first weeks is recommended, then bathing your baby 2-3 times a week in the first year is perfectly fine.
- Sponge bathing is highly recommended until the umbilical cord falls off . If you chose to circumcise your baby make sure the surgery went well and all is healed before giving your child a bath. This may take up to 1-2 weeks.
- Make sure to fill a sink or bowl with warm water.
- Have a flat surface for your baby to lie down on.
- Towel to wrap your baby
- Baby washcloth
- Clean clothes
- Diaper
- Baby Lotion
- Baby soap and shampoo preferably unscented
Start by making enough room and placing all you need around you. Take off your baby clothes and place them in the towel to keep warm. Wet your washcloth in warm water and squeeze all the water out, use the washcloth to clean their eyes, nose, and ears. Wet the washcloth again and use a little baby soap to wash his or her face make sure to rinse off the soap after by wetting the washcloth again in the water and repassing it over your baby’s face. Also do the same for the legs, arms, and full body staying away from the sensitive areas like the umbilical cord. Washing the umbilical cord is recommended with a Q-tip and water.
- Baby soap and shampoo preferably unscented
- Washcloths
- A baby towel
- A clean diaper
- Baby body lotion
- Clean clothes
- Baby brush
- Baby Tub
Introducing your baby to the tub. Sometimes your baby can be fussy and not like bathing in a tub, in order to get them used to it start by giving them brief baths and alternating between sponge and tub baths for a little while.
Fill the tub with 2-3 inches of warm water to make sure it is not too hot. Start by making enough room and placing all you need around you. Take off your baby clothes and place them in the water immediately by supporting your baby’s head at all times. Place their feet first. Regularly pour water gently over your baby’s body so he or she doesn’t get cold.
Use a washcloth to wash their face and hair. Using your soft baby brush massage your baby scalp. Gently wash your baby with baby soap, make sure to rinse it off. Wash your baby’s hair with baby shampoo, make sure to rinse off the soap. When rinsing the soap or shampoo from your baby’s head, cup your hand across the forehead so the suds run toward the sides and soap doesn’t get into the eyes. Wrap your baby in a towel right away.