Working Mom: The overwhelming feeling of doing it all

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So the work-life balance is catching up to you and you feel that you are slowly drowning. Don’t worry “mom” you are not alone. A lot of moms out there don’t talk about all those little things that go through their head, because they believe they will get judged. NOONE is judging you! and everyone gets that feeling of being overwhelmed from time to time.

As a mom something inside of you tells you, you need to stay on top of everything for everyone and that includes your spouse or partner. We all do it and we all feel guilty if something falls through. Well it is time to split those tasks with your other half. One being he can handle his own appointments, check-ups, lunches etc. Your not a machine, nor can you do everything for everyone all the time.

A schedule works best for us. In my calendar I ask my other half to let me know for that month what the important dates that need to be reserved and if there are any upcoming appointments that need to be made. If I feel to overwhelmed I let him know that he will be needing to take the appointments for the month.

As per everything else that comes with being a mom, like making sure your kids clothes fit, the season changes, their running shoes or boots are still good, feeding schedule. Again, something that yes, majority of moms always take care of, but don’t feel like you cannot ask for help. At my home if I am feeling that it is getting to much I ask my other half to help me. Whether it be the clean up of clothing or the season change, storing stuff away or getting rid of old toys. Even something small like having someone put it in a bin to be stored goes a long way. Also can be fun for some quality time together. 

So again do not feel like you cannot ask for help from your other half. And it is ok if you cannot think of everything. Just make your lists, share your chores, and don’t allow yourself to stress.


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